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Great for healthcare providers
I am an Emergency Physician and I love the principles taught here. I have been practicing stoic for a few years it I have to say healthcare providers need this more than ever. Coming off of the heels of a global pandemic, burnout and exhaustion are abundant. The high risk, life and death decisions inherent to emergency medicine benefit so much from a steady mind, and equanimity. Thank you Tanner

Simple episodes that cover a complex topic
Love how Tanner breaks down these topics and ideas in bite sized easy to digest episodes. Great pod!

True Stoic Podcast!
Very much I appreciate what you are doing! I truly enjoy and get benefits intellectually out of your podcast. I love it. Thanks again.

Wow! Only one episode so far, and I’m already more clear on the idea of stoicism! Excited to dive into more episodes.

Your trusty guide
Tanner’s passion helps to make this often “unattainable” practice feel very possible but also joyous from the perspective of a PRACTICE. highly recommend, and thank you Tanner. Exhale.

Shake it up
I followed the host of the show from a previous podcast he used to produce called Good Morning Podcasters. Though the content of this show is very different it’s no less enjoyable. I find both his insights and that of his guests very interesting and often cases quite helpful. I was due for a show that shakes up my listening routine a bit!

This is the first time I’ve listened to a podcast about Stoicism. It’s interesting and thoroughly enjoyed the interview with Ranjay.

Great Podcast!
Philosophy can be a c complex subject which is why I find Tanner’s approach of making short and concise episodes highly beneficial. A great podcast for beginners or even advanced students of philosophy.

I’m invested.
I came here a week ago. This is my first encounter with stoicism. I am all caught up on episodes, having listened to several episodes multiple times. This a very realistic take and introduction to stoicism. I plan to re-listen and take more notes and I have have some books to pick up and read from this podcast. Also, I’m one of the ten percent of women who listen here. ☺️

Well crafted and diverse
Within a very complex subject, Tanner doesn’t necessarily oversimplify it - but rather shines a light on smaller components so we can practically apply it to our lives. It also has enough variance with interviews, well-crafted solo episodes and formats to keep it interesting daily if you’d like.

I didn’t know anything about stoicism before listening to this podcast, but Tanner does a great job of explaining complex topics in a digestible way. I learned a lot!

Great at explaining
This podcast does a fantastic job at Explaining the complex ideas from stoicism. It’s release schedule is also impressive

Great intro to a heavy topic
I am familiar with stoicism on a basic level and I think this podcast does a great job of breaking down why did actually is and how to actually live by the tenants of stoicism. A great listen if you want to incorporate that philosophy into your life.

I stumbled across this podcast and I have to say I really appreciate how much care he puts into providing content for the audience! Thought provoking podcast

Powerful insights about life
Tanner does a great job unpacking various ideas found in Stoicism. I really like how he goes well beyond surface level to create impactful perspectives on how to show up more powerfullly.

A great insight
Stoicism is complex but this podcast gives it to you in digestible chunks. I really appreciate how accessible it makes this school of thought and philosophy.

Solid Stoic nuggets
Solid Stoicism podcast. Lots of practical nuggets to apply to my personal life.

Podcaster to Philosopher
I found Tanner via his podcasting pod a few months ago and I’m so glad to have added Practical Stoicism to my feed. I like how Tanner breaks down complex ideas into practical advice for being a better human. I’m new to stoicism but I’m excited to learn more. I think this pod might be a great way for anyone to take a dip in the stoicism pool.

Thank you!
I stumbled upon this podcast and found it quite interesting! I enjoyed the recent episode asking women about stoicism and our interest in it. I appreciate how our opinion was taken into account and I found that I came away with a lot of info after this episode and a new podcast to add to my list. Thank you! :)

A great podcast
A great podcast for those curious about stoicism

Inviting stoicism
This philosophy podcast openly invites dialogue and understanding of what is a stoic lifestyle and how does one live one. Tanner is clear that he is not a medical practitioner or a licensed therapist as he shares his opinions and insights on stoicism. I particularly like his distinction and clarification that weaves throughout episodes that stoicism is not apathy. This is a great forum into understanding stoicism and Tanner also invites you to email and connect with him directly in a variety of ways.

Deep Level Stuff
If you’re not ready for introspection and deep thinking, this podcast will get you started. This podcast will lead you do the road of high level thinking. Enjoy.

New Fan!
I love stocism as I understand it, but I have never done any real study. This show makes it understandable and having someone to guide you and answer questions in a new study is incredible. I love that is broken down into bite size pieces. So glad to have found this podcast!

Well structured Show
Great show design. Good sound. Well prepared and loved his taking on the inaccurate popularity view of Stoicism. It’s quite a fad but a pale comparison to actual Stoicism. Glad to hear he is taking this on in the interest of accuracy. Good job!

Helps with my daily mindset
I’m a woman listener and I appreciate that he asked for a survey of why I listen. I completed the survey but also wanted to express that all humans can benefit from words from the Stoics. Whether you feel you can put into practice the recommendations or not, even gleaning a small amount of ideas from them will help. If you practice some of the philosophies as if they were true, often they may become true and part of your nature later. I found this to be true for me. I’m 60 years old now and I can look back and see how the wise guidance of the stoics has helped me through much tragedy in my life.

Thought provoking
I just came across this podcast and I find it to be quite thought provoking. I learned a lot by listening!

I love it here ☺️
Practical Stoicism is a really healthy community. Not only does Tanner provide an easily comprehensible and applicable explanation of Stoicism, he cares a lot about the audience as individuals, which is evident in all of his openings and greetings. He's honest, humble, down-to-earth, and open. The ads aren't as bad as other people may have you believe, and Tanner has put a great effort into coming to a compromise between user enjoyment and his ability to make a living. Here's to living in the moment and taking our first steps as stoic prokoptons!

Great philosophy podcast
I always thought Stoicism was a kind of macho philosophy, but this podcast does a great job of explaining the human aspects and how it relates to vulnerability and dealing with disappointment and failure. I also like the succinct episodes because everything is boiled down to the very heart of the matter. Not a wasted second, which shows that the host puts a lot of thought into the information and doesn’t just hit “record” and start talking.

Thoughtfully Succinct
I am a huge supporter of Tanner; calling into acknowledgment both his keen sense of observation and thoughtful integrity. With judicious temperance, Practical Stoicism serves as a benchmark of stoic wisdom and reason. In the present society perhaps lacking a realistic and moralistically ideal compass - this podcast is a shining beacon guiding back our wayward strays.

Refreshing and thoughtful
Enjoying this newer podcast on stoicism, in particular the conversation most recently with James Romm. Tanner’s commentary is also thoughtful and measured. Looking forward to more interviews and conversations to come. Thank you.