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Practical Stoicism

About the Practical Stoicism Podcast

Stoicism is thought (by many) to be a philosophy of emotional detachment and compartmentalization. This is true of stoicism (lowercase "s"), but entirely untrue of Stoicism (uppercase "s"). The Ancient Greek philosophy and virtue ethics framework of Stoicism is an approach to living that prioritizes the acquisition of perfect moral knowledge (Virtue or Areté) above all else.

If you're thinking it seems strange that so many people would understand a philosophy with the aim of moral perfection to be, instead, a philosophy of emotional detachment and compartmentalization, well, blame the viral meme nature of the internet -- nuance and truth have little chance against the army of algorithms working to ensure we only ever see what we already believe is true.

Figuring out whether or not Stoicism the right life philosophy for us, is something we're unable to determine if we don't understand Stoicism honestly and thoroughly. The Practical Stoicism podcast explores this Ancient Greek philosophy carefully and thoughtfully, ensuring that anyone interested in learning what Stoicism is all about can do just that.

New episodes release every Monday (or sometimes Tuesday) and spend roughly 20-minutes attempting to teach Stoicism (often through the exploration of Marcus Aurelius's Meditations) responsibly, practically, and in a way that helps listeners explore Stoicism and learn more about it.

Hosted by American philosopher of Stoicism, and co-author of "What is Stoicism: A Brief and Accessible Overview", Tanner Campbell.